
of the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations

The Council spurs excellence by recognizing and honoring the most outstanding leaders in the profession. Fellows are selected based on their long-term and significant contributions to the field. Selection as a Fellow represents the highest honor conferred upon professionals in learning assistance, tutoring, and developmental education. Individuals selected as Fellows must be nominated by at least two current Fellows or by a member association.

Photos from the 2018 Fellows Induction at the NCLCA Conference in Niagara Falls.

Fellows Nominations

Fellows nomination packets for the next Fellows election cycle will be due February 15, 2021. Nominations of CLADEA Fellows may be submitted to the Council Chairperson at any time by CLADEA member organizations. The election cycle and induction will take place every two years. No more than one nomination will be accepted from each CLADEA member organization. A nomination will also be accepted from current Fellows when the respective nominee has documented support from a minimum of two Fellows who represent at least two separate member organizations. For details on the Fellows nomination and election process and requirements for Fellows, see the CLADEA Policies and Procedures.

Fellows Elect

The biennial election for Fellows of the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations has resulted in the election of three new Fellows. Please join our colleagues at the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA) at the Doubletree Hotel Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, California on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 5:00 pm with a reception to follow as we induct:

  • Alan Craig,
  • Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt, and
  • Gretchen Starks-Martin

Congratulations to these three outstanding leaders for their many years of service and scholarship to our field.

Current Fellows


Karen Agee

photo of Karen Agee
Karen Agee

Karen S. Agee coordinated the Reading and Learning Center at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), 1984-2009. She served the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) as secretary, president, and executive assistant to the Board. Karen represented CRLA on the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) and the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA). She served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Developmental Education (JDE), The Learning Assistance Review (TLAR), the newsletter of the National College Learning Center Association (NCLCA), and the Journal of College Reading and Learning (JCRL).

A CLADEA Fellow, Karen also received scholarship, leadership, and service awards from CRLA, UNI, and the Iowa Board of Regents. Karen co-edited (with Russ Hodges, 2012) the Handbook for Training Peer Tutors and Mentors and co-authored (with Jan Norton, 2014) a white paper, Assessment of Learning Assistance Programs.

Karen earned a B.A. and M.A. in Classical Languages and Literatures (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) from Indiana University and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction/Literacy Education (Phi Kappa Phi) from New Mexico State University. She deeply appreciates the four decades of continuing education provided by students, colleagues, and professional organizations.

David Arendale

photo of Sonya Armstrong

Sonya Armstrong

photo of Sonya Armstrong

Sonya Armstrong Dr. Sonya L. Armstrong earned her doctorate in literacy education from the University of Cincinnati as well as two M.A. degrees in English (literature and editing/publishing). She served in first-year and developmental education contexts at both community colleges and universities, teaching developmental reading, basic writing, and learning strategies as well as directing a college reading and learning program. At Texas State University, Dr. Armstrong was an Associate Professor in Developmental Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, within which she directed the doctoral program.

Her research has focused on college literacy-learning and practice. She has published with colleagues in such professional journals as Teaching English in the Two-Year College, Research in the Teaching of English, Journal of Developmental Education, and Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. She co-edited Teaching Developmental Reading: Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Background Readings (2nd ed,).

Sonya’s leadership in professional organizations includes serving as an editor, director of publications, and president of the College Reading and Learning Association. Through her collaborative work related to faculty professional development and advanced study, Sonya was key in developing the Certificate of Graduate Study in Postsecondary Developmental Literacy and Language Instruction at Northern Illinois University.

Carol Bader

Barbara Bonham

Nancy Bornstein

Hunter Boylan

Kathy Carpenter*

Martha Casazza

David Caverly

Frank Christ*

Susan Clark-Thayer

Alan Craig

K. Patricia Cross

Nancy Carriuolo

photo of Johanna Dvorak

Johanna Dvorak

photo of Johanna Dvorak
Johanna Dvorak

Johanna Dvorak, PhD, has devoted her professional career to college learning assistance and is Director Emerita, Educational Support Services, at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM). Her areas of expertise are learning center management, peer tutoring program initiatives, online academic support services, professional development, and leadership in higher education. Dr. Dvorak was Director of Panther Academic Support Services (PASS) at UWM (1995-2016). Under her guidance, the center expanded its locations for group tutoring, academic resources, Supplemental Instruction to 50 courses, online and blended tutoring, and academic coaching services with 125 peer leaders. PASS won the Frank L. Christ/NCLCA Outstanding Learning Center Award (2014).

Dr. Dvorak has researched, published, conducted webinars, and frequently presented at CLADEA association conferences on managing college learning centers, developing online tutoring services, and other academic support initiatives. She mentored several NCLCA Institutes (2004, 2009, 2012, 2017).

She was President of MCLCA (1994) and of NCLCA (2004) and received NCLCA’s Lifetime Achievement Award (2011). She served on CLADEA committees: Blue Ribbon Commission (NCLCA representative), Certification Committee (Chair), and Political Advocacy Committee (Chair); the WCLCA Board (2016-18); and currently on the ACTLA Board (Research Coordinator). Her dissertation, The College Tutoring Experience (2000), studied the effect of tutoring on tutors.

John Gardner

Rebecca Goosen

Al Granowsky

photo of Jacqueline Harris

Jacqueline Harris

photo of Jacqueline Harris

Jacqueline (Jackie) Harris served the students of Ball State University for 25 years in many capacities. In addition to coordinating learning center services there, she contributed to the field of learning assistance by providing over 50 presentations and writing more than 20 articles and book chapters, including co-authoring The Language Arts Objective Sequence ( ). Her ongoing focus on collaboration, mentoring, and raising awareness about learning assistance was always evident, especially so in her work on the Faculty Mentorship Program at Ball State.

Jackie was instrumental in transitioning the Midwest College Learning Centers Association into the National organization, later serving as President from 1999-2000. She also served as the president of the Indiana Association for Developmental Education. She organized and served as a mentor for three NCLCA Summer Institutes and was the keynote speaker for the 2015 annual conference. Jackie earned the NCLCA Learning Center Leadership Certification, Level 4, and in 2017 was honored with the organization’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Jacqueline Harris’s additional experience has included her work for the Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University, building and supporting programs to serve veterans transitioning into higher education. She helped create the Focus Forward Fellowship program for female student veterans.

Phoebe Helm

Jeanne Higbee

Russ Hodges

Rosemary Karr

Gene Kerstiens*

Lucy MacDonald

Howard Masuda

Georgine Materniak

Martha Maxwell*

Jane McGrath

Saundra McGuire


Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt

photo of Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt
Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt

Patricia I. Mulcahy-Ernt, PhD, is the Professor of Education in Reading and Language Arts at the University of Bridgeport, CT, where she chairs the Graduate Literacy and English Education Programs. She teaches secondary English language arts pedagogy, content area literacy, technological applications, assessment of literacy difficulties, and educational measurement. As the recipient of several outstanding teaching awards, she is a dedicated teacher-scholar.

She holds a BA in Secondary English Education from the University of Rhode Island, a MSEd from Colorado State University, and a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota. Her research has focused on secondary and college-level literacy and assessment, media literacy, technical writing, and reading processes for the design of the TOEFL. She co-authored College Reading and Study Strategies and chapters about strategic study reading in the Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research.

Patricia has served the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) as President, the CRLA Northeast Regional Director, and the CRLA Northeast Chapter President. She has also served as the Connecticut Association for Reading Research (CARR) President and continues to serve as its Historian. Currently, she represents CRLA on the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS).


Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt

photo of Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt
Patricia Mulcahy-Ernt

Patricia I. Mulcahy-Ernt, PhD, is the Professor of Education in Reading and Language Arts at the University of Bridgeport, CT, where she chairs the Graduate Literacy and English Education Programs. She teaches secondary English language arts pedagogy, content area literacy, technological applications, assessment of literacy difficulties, and educational measurement. As the recipient of several outstanding teaching awards, she is a dedicated teacher-scholar.

She holds a BA in Secondary English Education from the University of Rhode Island, a MSEd from Colorado State University, and a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota. Her research has focused on secondary and college-level literacy and assessment, media literacy, technical writing, and reading processes for the design of the TOEFL. She co-authored College Reading and Study Strategies and chapters about strategic study reading in the Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research.

Patricia has served the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) as President, the CRLA Northeast Regional Director, and the CRLA Northeast Chapter President. She has also served as the Connecticut Association for Reading Research (CARR) President and continues to serve as its Historian. Currently, she represents CRLA on the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS).

Jane Neuburger

Sherrie Nist-Olejnik

photo of Jan Norton

Jan Norton

photo of Jan Norton
Jan Norton

Jan Norton’s experiences included over 25 years of developing and managing learning assistance services at Missouri and Wisconsin universities, then advising students at the University of Iowa. Her Master’s in Educational Research facilitated her focus on pursuing program improvement through multiple evaluation approaches. Other training and education include the Kellogg Institute, the Winter Institute, TIDE, NACADA training, NCLCA Summer Institute, and ACT Assessment Institute; she also provided training for Winter and NCLCA institutes.

Jan supported learning assistance and developmental education practitioners in a variety of ways. She reviewed certification applications for CRLA and NADE; she assisted programs as an evaluation consultant and an accreditation reviewer. Within CRLA, she led two SIGs (Learning Assistance Center Management and Research & Evaluation) and served as a president for the Iowa/Missouri chapter.

She has served on the editorial board for the Journal of Developmental Education and reviewed applications for NCLCA Leadership certification. In addition to writing professional articles, Jan co-authored a CRLA White Paper (“Assessment of Learning Assistance Programs”) and a chapter on program assessment for the Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research (3rd ed.). She has offered webinars about learning assistance evaluation topics and presented at many regional and national conferences.

Cathy Nuse

Carol O'Shea

Karen Patty-Graham

Walter Pauk*

Eric Paulson

Michael Rose

John Roueche

Kate Sandberg

D. Patrick Saxon

Gladys Shaw*

Rick A. Sheets*

Michele Simpson

Rita Smilkstein

Karen G. Smith*

Milton "Bunk" Spann

Norman Stahl

photo of Gretchen Starks-Martin

Gretchen Starks-Martin

photo of Gretchen Starks-Martin

Dr. Gretchen Starks-Martin is professor emerita at St. Cloud State University and part-time faculty of Efficient Reading and of Disciplinary Literacy at the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University (MN). She taught reading at the middle school, technical college, community college, and university levels in Minnesota and New York. She earned her B.A. in English from the University of Michigan, M.A. in reading from Western Michigan University, and doctorate in Adult Education and Higher Education Administration from Syracuse University.

Dr. Starks-Martin was president of the New York College Learning Skills Association and the Minnesota Post-Secondary Reading Association, and Treasurer and Executive Assistant of CRLA. On sabbatical in 2004 she taught at Diné Navajo Tribal College (AZ). In 2009 she received a Fulbright Specialist Scholarship at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa. She has served as a certified online evaluator for Quality Matters and as evaluator on numerous QEP teams for SACSCOC.

Co-author of Critical Reading, Critical Thinking: Focusing on Contemporary Issues (Pearson Education), she has served on the Minnesota State College and University Committee on Assessment of College Readiness Project and on a team evaluating “First Generation Student Programs” for the Institute of Higher Education Policy (IHEP) in Washington, D.C.

Linda Thompson

Vincent Tinto

Jack Truschel

photo of Penny Turrentine
photo of Penny Turrentine
Penny Turrentine

Penny Turrentine, PhD, earned her BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Arizona. and a Master’s degree in education from the University of Arizona with a minor in exercise and sport sciences. Dr. Turrentine wrote Champions in the Classroom, a professional reference guide for student athletes, learning support staff, coaches, advisors, parents, and school administrators. She also authored Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Learning Centers (and Then Some. . .).

Penny directs the West Campus Learning Center at Pima Community College in Tucson. She has collaborated with the Athletic Department at Pima College to design and implement a series of student success workshops that draw parallels between athletic and academic skills. She has developed a mentoring program for student-athletes and facilitates tutor-led study halls for the athletes. She designed and developed the Student Athlete Center for Academic Excellence and continues to be a consultant to the Athletic Department in all facets of academic support.

Penny earned Level 4 certification from NCLCA. For CRLA she has served as the Arizona/Nevada director, led the Learning Assistance Center Management SIG, served as a Master level reviewer for International Tutor Training Program Certification applications for 13 years, and coordinated the ITTPC.

Jim Valkenburg

Claire Ellen Weinstein*

William White, Jr.

Janet Zadina

* deceased
Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations

Providing leadership and a unified voice advancing the profession of postsecondary learning assistance and developmental education.

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