The Council spurs excellence by recognizing and honoring the most outstanding leaders in the profession. Fellows are selected based on their long-term and significant contributions to the field. Selection as a Fellow represents the highest honor conferred upon professionals in learning assistance, tutoring, and developmental education. Individuals selected as Fellows must be nominated by at least two current Fellows or by a member association.
Fellows nomination packets for the next Fellows election cycle will be due February 15, 2021. Nominations of CLADEA Fellows may be submitted to the Council Chairperson at any time by CLADEA member organizations. The election cycle and induction will take place every two years. No more than one nomination will be accepted from each CLADEA member organization. A nomination will also be accepted from current Fellows when the respective nominee has documented support from a minimum of two Fellows who represent at least two separate member organizations. For details on the Fellows nomination and election process and requirements for Fellows, see the CLADEA Policies and Procedures.
The biennial election for Fellows of the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations has resulted in the election of three new Fellows. Please join our colleagues at the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA) at the Doubletree Hotel Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, California on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 5:00 pm with a reception to follow as we induct:
Congratulations to these three outstanding leaders for their many years of service and scholarship to our field.
David Arendale
Carol Bader
Barbara Bonham
Nancy Bornstein
Hunter Boylan
Kathy Carpenter*
Martha Casazza
David Caverly
Frank Christ*
Susan Clark-Thayer
Alan Craig
K. Patricia Cross
Nancy Carriuolo
John Gardner
Rebecca Goosen
Al Granowsky
Phoebe Helm
Jeanne Higbee
Russ Hodges
Rosemary Karr
Gene Kerstiens*
Lucy MacDonald
Howard Masuda
Georgine Materniak
Martha Maxwell*
Jane McGrath
Saundra McGuire
Jane Neuburger
Sherrie Nist-Olejnik
Cathy Nuse
Carol O'Shea
Karen Patty-Graham
Walter Pauk*
Eric Paulson
Michael Rose
John Roueche
Kate Sandberg
D. Patrick Saxon
Gladys Shaw*
Rick A. Sheets*
Michele Simpson
Rita Smilkstein
Karen G. Smith*
Milton "Bunk" Spann
Norman Stahl
Linda Thompson
Vincent Tinto
Jack Truschel
Jim Valkenburg
Claire Ellen Weinstein*
William White, Jr.
Janet Zadina
Providing leadership and a unified voice advancing the profession of postsecondary learning assistance and developmental education.
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