The Profession and Practice of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education

Co-published with the National Center for Developmental Education and edited by Jeanne L. Higbee, The Profession and Practice of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education: Essays in Memory of Dr. Martha Maxwell can be used for scholarly research, professional development enhancement, course instructional material, and applications to practice. The book is first of its kind, honoring Martha Maxwell’s vision and featuring chapters from the CLADEA Fellows; it is organized into sections by historical context, current issues, and best practices.

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Research in Learning Assistance and Developmental Education is a peer reviewed publication of the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA). It is published three times a year and provided free of charge to the members of all CLADEA organizations.

RiLADE welcomes submissions related to academic counseling, coaching, co-requisite remediation, developmental education, learning assistance, peer assisted learning, TRIO Programs, and tutoring. There are no submission, page, or publication fees associated with publication in this journal. Authors retain basic copyright privileges upon publication.

Current Issue

Past Issues

White Papers

Image of the cover of the CLADEA White Paper on Meaningful Access and Support

Policy Statements

Image of CLADEA Policy Statements Logo

Essential Reading

Access and Success
Learning Center Management
Program Assessment and Evaluation
Student Learning
Tutoring and Mentoring

Essential Professional Readings

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Providing leadership and a unified voice advancing the profession of postsecondary learning assistance and developmental education.

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